Thursday, November 21, 2013

Flat Earth

Technology, eh? How about it!
I moved in with my significant other on Monday and we're adjusting to a life lived together. I missed my article deadline for this week due to a) an overwhelming number of boxes to unpack b) not enough time with the internet to actually do the work needed to write. 
So much of my world outside work has been improved by technology. I write about a Magic Online format which likely wouldn't exist without the program. I have done this for multiple websites earning myself a decent amount of money (in the form of store credit, but still!). A character now exists that I created with the help of Facebook and Twitter - Alex Ullman, the Pauper Guy. When the follower list updates there are always new people from different corners of the world and varied walks of life. 
Without smaller, faster, and better processors, would this have ever happened?  Doubt it.
This month I started a podcast on Pauper with a friend. We have never met in person and have only communicated through, and around, the game of Magic. Twenty years ago when I cracked my first starter deck this would have been impossible.
Technology is fantastic at leveling the playing field. No one needs a connection to create anymore. Anyone can just record their voice, create a social media persona and go forth into the world.

And man, that's great.

Unrelated, this band is sweet:

I only heard about them because they followed me on Twitter. And then we started talking about D & D and Magic. Technology is fucking awesome.

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