Sunday, July 19, 2009

Up and down the river

What a weekend! But I'll get to that in a second.
I just noticed I had 20 posts in June. I think that's pretty cool. Looks like I'm getting back into a groove...maybe...probably not...I like ellipses.
But yeah, the weekend. Well, it started with a day off on Friday. I took myself to lunch at Applebee's and thought the waitress was flirting with me, thanks to the fact she had an Autobot watch. Yeah, I can't read women for the life of me, but it was a nice lunch. I then went to Barnes and Noble and lo and behold, they had the new paperbacks of Iron Fist and Moon Knight. This was total joy, as I devoured those books in enough time to pack and pick up my friend from the train station. Let me tell you, I still love these arcs and I cannot wait for them to put out the next batch in paperbacks. There's something about a wise-cracking martial artist who fights against the forces of mythology and a schizophrenic man who wants to be a hero and control his murderous impulses...well...just joy.
So I picked up my friend from the train station and we drove the two hours to the campsite. It was fine, except for the pouring rain for about forty minutes, and well, was not exactly a fun drive.
Of course, the conversation was also pretty bad. We both play Magic, but he's very much a first level thinker, and very much set in his rut and thought process, so talking with him was like smacking my nuts in a drawer. Other conversations I had with this friend over the weekend:
1) Why he felt dog fighting should be legal. He believes that some dogs really want to fight and should be allowed to do so. Even if they have been bred and taught and drugged to fight, they still "want to" willingly.
2) Why he felt there was too much aid for attending college. Considering my line of work, I actually told him he had his head up his ass right before dropping him off for his train ride home.
Back to camping. It was awesome. Sure, the first hour was soaking wet and I barely slept in my tent, but it was so relaxing. I had a few beers, got fucked up, and just generally enjoyed sleeping out in nature.
The next day, well, was interesting. I had a bad reaction to something and ended up throwing up about 40 minutes into rafting. Speaking of that, we got started incredibly late, which turned into a positive since one of our friends got a late start and ended up showing up right as we were getting ready to get on the river.
We went down the river incredibly quickly, so fast that we actually got there earlier than we had in any year, and left later than ever before.
Of course, some of us drove back to camp to go out to dinner, but I didn't realize how tired and hungry I had become. By the time our dinner came, I was so hungry everything I ate made me feel like I was going to throw up. I drove back, barely able to keep my eyes open, and by the time I saw a hotel to crash I was ten miles from home. I got here and just crashed, and about halfway through Sunday finally felt back to normal. Now I'm in bed, getting ready to pass out and face the week.
All in all, a good weekend, I just wish I had not gotten sick so I could have enjoyed the rafting a little bit more.
Also, I would have liked to have worn a touch more sunblock, as I'm tender in a few spots, but nothing major.
Well, I think that's all for now. Later dudes,

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